
Personal fitness assistance

For high achieving successful individuals who understand the value of time and the importance of nutrition and exercise.

If you want to lose weight, build muscle or to live healthier but you're always too busy to do it, maybe personal fitness assistance is what you need.

If you need a PA to help you with your meetings, invoices, trips, etc.  because your time is so scarce and valuable, how can it be that you don't need someone who will free your brain from thinking about something so important as meals and workouts, that suit your goals, food preferences and fluid work schedule.

As your personal fitness assistant, for as long as you need me, I would be available to you 8 hours a day to take care of your workout program and schedule, provide nutrition advice and to be in charge of your meals, Monday-Friday, while also giving you flexibility. Read, I would take all your excuses away.

If you're interested in this hybrid assistance and paying one person for the work of three people, contact me, please, and I will email you all the details. 


Only one spot available.

Food diary analysis

If your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle or just to improve your eating habits. 

Before we do this, unless you already know me and trust me, we will schedule a meeting. (Online or in person). I want to make sure that you’re feeling comfortable with showing me your eating habits in detail and that you won’t hide anything. Otherwise you’re throwing your money away. 

Then, for 7 days you will send me a picture of literally everything you eat and drink. If you have time and will, more information means more precise analysis, so sending me the amounts and pictures of packaging on both sides would be extremely helpful for my calculations.

I will also need your weight, height, age and information on your lifestyle.

After that, I will create a document with the pictures you sent me and analyze each meal. Unless it’s already optimal, I’ll show you how to improve it. Then I will give you an overview of the entire day. After doing the same for the week, I will finish with general guidelines and maximum 3 steps you must take that will take you to your goal.


Price: 300 €



Radical 4-week program

Food diary analysis + for additional 3 weeks, you will keep sending me pictures of your food. Not the details, just the pictures, but, again, every single thing you eat or drink, and each time you complete a workout.

This way I will keep an eye on you to make sure that you’re following my advice, staying active, and also, to help you to change your habits by being your constant support, especially when it gets hard, and giving you my constant feedback. 

Important to say, you will not achieve your goal in 4 weeks but you will be well equipped and on the right path.

Due to my constant presence and feedback, the spots are limited to 5 people.

Price: 600 € 


Personal training is all about the person: you. It’s about your time, needs, and wants. 

Having a personal trainer means:

  • having someone to structure training to suit your individual needs
  • accountability to show up even when you don’t feel like It
  • having someone who is there just for you and gives you a full attention
  • doing a workout program that makes sense and leads you to your goals 
  • having a guide to not get lost or do something wrongly
  • avoiding issues like stagnation and disappointment due to misinformation on the internet
  • having someone who believes in you and shows that you have in you those few extra necessary reps

In-person: resistance training in a private studio at Wilibaldplatz, Munich (Delastik Personal Training)

Price: trial training: 65€ 

            1 hour 95€

            10 trainings 850€

Online: body weight or whichever equipment you have at home, or keep me on a video call while you’re in a public gym 

Price: 1 hour 60€

            10 trainings 540€


A total body circuit training for 3-6 people using:

  • bodyweight exercises
  • resistance exercises (kettlebells, weight plates, dumbbells, trx, cable machine)
  • cardio exercise (ski erg, air bike, slam ball, ropes)

No matter your fitness level, each workout gives you the option to adapt to your abilities and current energy level. This type of training is great for fat loss, persevering but also building muscle (unless you’re an advanced lifter), increasing strength and endurance, and improving your general health.

Group training is fun, dynamic, and more affordable. Since the number of people is a maximum of 6, it also allows me to give enough attention to everyone and make sure that everyone is doing well.

An extra benefit is meeting new, kind and funny people.

Price: with egym well pass, Classpass

 or 20€  

Our classes are often fully booked so better BOOK NOW:

@ Delastik Personal Training



  • if you have your gym membership but don’t know what to do when you’re there
  • if most of the time you don’t even go when you said you will

Based on your needs and goals, I will make a workout program that explains all exercises, the exact number of sets and reps, and the weights you need to start with. I will also reveal to you what are the keys to your progress and how to continue on your own.

Price: 120 €

Special offer:

The workout program + for 3 months, each time you finish your workout, you will send me a report with all reps, sets, and weights you managed to do. And I will send you back the targets for the next workout.

Knowing that you need to report to someone will positively affect your consistency, and knowing the targets for each workout will increase your motivation= success.

Price: 240 €

10 spots available


If you have any questions regarding my services, or you need advice on food and workouts that I can provide instantly and shortly, even if you won't work with me, please, don't hesitate to send me a message and I can give you a call. It's free of charge.


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